Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.

Episode 62


Debra Poneman

Why Visioning Is the Worst Thing You Can Do to Manifest Your Man

Episode 62

Why Visioning Is the Worst Thing You Can Do to Manifest Your Man


Debra Poneman

Dating Den Episode 62 – With Debra Poneman: Why Visioning Is the Worst Thing You Can Do to Manifest Your Man

Do you do what is necessary to manifest miracles in your life?

Would you like to manifest your miracle man?

My guest, Debra Poneman, has been teaching and preaching about how to be successful for over 40-years. She is a best-selling Author, Founder of the ‘Yes to Success Seminars’ and Co-Founder of the ‘Your Year of Miracles’ mentoring program. Debra shares the system with us so we can create miracles in our lives and find abundance, deep fulfillment and profound self-love.

Treat Everyone as the Most Important Person in the World [4:09]

After Debra finished a Yes to Success seminar a young, college-aged girl approached her and asked to be her secretary. Debra knowing that everything happens for a reason said yes and that young girl is now a NY Times Best-Selling Author and the Co-Founder of Your Year of Miracles, Marci Shimoff.

How to Create the Right Conditions for Your Man Miracle [10:14]

Miracle: a surprising and welcome event that can’t be explained by science and is thought to happen by divine grace.

Debra says you can not actually create a miracle, you can create the space around you to be ripe for a miracle to occur.

Things to Do to Create and Live in Your Miracle Zone:

1. Practice non-violent communication.

2. Play the Power of Appreciation game.

3. Don’t block the light.

4. Be who you are.

Visualization raises your vibrations!

Be the Person You Want to Attract [26:13]

Debra shares her own personal journey of how practicing forgiveness and kindness kept her in integrity. Being the person you want to attract will bring what, or who, you are looking for into your life.

Be in



Care of


Find a place of love in your heart and send it out to people you find hard to love.


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Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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