Dating Den Episode 118 – With Jean Chatzky: Can I Date Him Successfully if I Make More Money?
It’s a big question for a lot of smart women…
One that dooms a lot of relationships and even marriages…
Can a guy handle it if I make more than him, will he still act like the man I want and need him to be?
For so many successful women that are single the question that always comes up is:
Is it okay to date a guy if he makes less than you do, or is he bound to resent you… if not at first, eventually?
Marni welcomes money master, Jean Chatsky into the Den. Jean shares tips for women who want to stay healthy, wealthy, and stable no matter what their relationship status is.
Jean launched Her Money Media, Her Money podcast, and the website to provide women much-needed, accurate information about money. She’s the award-winning financial editor of NBC Today. She has appeared on CNN, The View, The Talk, and created a The Debt Diet program for Oprah’s audience.
But I Already Have My Own Money [3:17]
What about a prenup?
Mature, loving relationships are built on trust and understanding. A prenup is not a scary document. It just negotiates how financial entities will be handled should something happen to the marriage.
Jean’s advice — Each partner should go into it with an understanding that this is how to take care of ourselves and each other. There are different ways to craft the document.
A prenup is simply financial planning for a secure future.
The most important thing is to actually talk about these things with our significant other. Being on the same page about the future financials helps eliminate possible blocks down the road in our relationships.
The More You Know About Money [8:51]
Bringing up money conversations during dating can seem invasive. But, there is a lot you can learn about a date’s financial picture without directly asking. Pay attention to hints during initial conversations.
When it gets more serious it’s women need to ask 3 important questions…
To find out what they are listen now!
Money & Love [20:58]
Jean says, “You need to understand why the person you share a bed with is the way they are with money. That means getting a grip on your own money story too.” Research your financial DNA.
The more you understand your money story the more you can guide your partner to explore their own.
Making the choice to add someone into our lives when we know we are able to do it by ourselves is a clear choice, free of fear.
If you want to find the high-caliber man you desire, make an appointment with the Dating Den experts at