Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.

Episode 55


Julie Steelman

How to Access A Secret Power You Don’t Even Know You Have To Amplify Your Earnings, and Your Mantraction Factor

Episode 55

How to Access A Secret Power You Don’t Even Know You Have To Amplify Your Earnings, and Your Mantraction Factor


Julie Steelman

Dating Den Episode 55 – With Julie Steelman: How to Access A Secret Power You Don’t Even Know You Have To Amplify Your Earnings, and Your Mantraction Factor

Would you love to pop open your ability to earn more money? Whether you are struggling with financial security or feel like you are already on the top of your game, your money making mindset may be impacting your ability to connect with the high-quality man you want to have in your life.

My guest, the brilliant, awe-inspiring Julie Steelman earned her way out of the corporate world with a new style of feminine earning power known as Feminine Financial Intelligence (FFI). She is also the Creator of the Innovative Income Amplification System, Author of The Effortless Yes and has her Master’s in Spiritual Psychology.

Why Women Are Struggling with Having More Money [4:16]

Everything is changing. From natural disasters to the recent political challenges, we are standing toe to toe with evolution as structures and stories of the past are starting to crumble. Women are no longer willing to put up with certain things. Mother Nature is saying enough already! This is the time to develop a feminine empowered way to be with money. Chasing money doesn’t align with our feminine code. Instead, of chasing money, we need to harvest and cherish it.

How Can Women Access Their Power and Be in Flow? [9:49]

Women often accept less and it can impact their earning power. We may consciously believe ourselves to be the “less than” species or we need to people please to get what we know we deserve.

It’s time for women to shift their Feminine Financial Intelligence. When you know your inherent value and you are willing to express it in relation to other people, you stay in the flow of your femininity.

There are 3 areas of Feminine Financial Intelligence:

1. How we are in relationship to ourselves.

2. What is our relationship to the universe?

3. How we can express ourselves in an empowered way.

Don’t compromise your value system.

Having Boundaries Without Being a Bitch [18:33]

Julie says a woman should stop treating people like they have leverage over her. Ask for something and put it in the context of what does the other person want. Helping someone else while helping yourself.

Women should see money and their career as a sacred resource to be harvested and cherished. You will hit a financial glass ceiling if you let money define your worth. To move past it, get in your flow & work with your energy, not against it.

Are Men Intimidated By You? [26:33]

Don’t chase money! It will compromise and minimize your impact. If you do, you will emasculate a man. If you think you don’t need a man because you have it all, it shows. If men are intimidated by it you may not have the right man for you.

Be willing to receive. Breathe deep into the seat of the feminine power center. You will get an intuitive energetic response.

We may not need men for money but we can still use them for love.

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Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

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Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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