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Chris Gillis

Dating Den Episodes 219 - Bachelor Recap: With Chris Gillis — Why You Must Deal with Gender Role Confusion to Date Successfully or Miss Out on Finding the Right Partner for You


Dating Den Episodes 219 - Bachelor Recap: With Chris Gillis — Why You Must Deal with Gender Role Confusion to Date Successfully or Miss Out on Finding the Right Partner for You


Chris Gillis

Dating Den Episode 219 – Bachelor Recap: With Chris Gillis — Why You Must Deal with Gender Role Confusion to Date Successfully or Miss Out on Finding the Right Partner for You

On this week’s Bachelor recap, Marni and Chris agree that Queen Victoria’s exit was a great example of what you don’t do when someone breaks up with you, that mean girl syndrome should be cancelled, and the Pretty Woman-inspired shopping date was an attempt to cause a disruption among the girls.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Mean girl culture should be cancelled
  • How to be rejection proof
  • Cinderella-type behavior is an out-dated fairy tale
  • How to recognize an issue-based relationship

Why is Talking Bad About Each Other Still a Thing? [2:08]

Marni voices her displeasure in the language the girls use to describe each other. The young women on the show seem to be leaking their insecurities all over the place. The mean girl thing should be cancelled. Is it real or an overproduced drama to keep people watching? Marni points out that women who speak poorly of others have low self-worth, and have not had their needs met. Chris admits he thinks that’s how all women are.

If you have drama in your life, are jealous, or if you compare yourself to others you have unresolved wounds.

Finally, Matt booted Queen Victoria. She seems shady anyway. Chris and Marni consider that she may not have been being herself and only playing a character. Maybe her Instagram followers increased, but she was over the top with bad acting on the show.

Marni’s Tips on How to be Rejection Proof:

  1. Have a core philosophy. Know that dating is a process and the universe has your back.
  2. Rejection is not a rejection of your worthiness or lovability.
  3. What do you learn from the relationship?

If you haven’t resolved the issues that are getting you stuck you will have the same result.

Issue-based Relationships [19:49]

While Chris blushes when he thinks about Rachel, Marni admits she was grossed out by the shopping date incident on the show. The ‘Pretty Woman’ syndrome of expecting a guy to express his interest because he buys you stuff is so… 1990.

If you remember, Rachel said earlier she thought Matt was out of her league. Chris thinks they were trying to make her feel better by showering her with things to build her self-worth and make her feel better. Matt is attracted to her because he, too, is emotionally unavailable.

Make a Connection:

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