Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.



Dr.Ricky Arenson

Life Check Yourself 438 – What Women Don’t Understand About Men with Dr.Ricky Arenson


Life Check Yourself 438 – What Women Don’t Understand About Men with Dr.Ricky Arenson


Dr.Ricky Arenson

Life Check Yourself 438 – What Women Don’t Understand About Men with Dr.Ricky Arenson

Marni welcomes endocrinologist and author Dr.Ricky Arenson to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discuss the dynamics between men and women in a partnership. The duo delves into the differences between both genders and how the things that set them apart actually become their strength when combined. While men and women may function on opposing wavelengths, that is actually the key to the success of a relationship. And a happy relationship means a longer life. Longevity isn’t just about eating those berries and that OJ.

*         Uncover your innate qualities

*         Why do you keep having the same fights?

*         Stop scrolling past everything IRL

Make Love Not War [18:18]

We live in a society where everyone is seeking conflict. And it’s amplified by social media. At the end of the day though, what unites us is our humanity regardless of our race or gender.

We all want to come together and see each other as human beings, and see the value and the beauty of being human rather than dividing up by race, gender, and sexual preference.

Women are From Venus, Men are From… [23:36]

The way a man and a woman’s brain function are actually very different. Whereas men tend to get hyper focused on the task at hand, women have a more diverse thinking pattern. A woman’s brain activity shows that there could be a lot going on everywhere.

Because men, when they focus on something, they become very unique, focused. You can’t distract them.

Modern Day Romance [34:28]

The issue with modern day romances is that we’ve all become impatient. We’ve gotten accustomed to just scrolling past anything we don’t like on our phone. And it seems to be a habit we’ve taken in our daily lives.

But relationships don’t work like that. Relationships are a long-term process.

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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