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Episode 95


Chris G.

What Does a Quality Guy Really Think About Dating and Relationships?: Our Favorite Man Panelist Gets Honest

Episode 95

What Does a Quality Guy Really Think About Dating and Relationships?: Our Favorite Man Panelist Gets Honest


Chris G.

Dating Den Episode 95 – With Chris G.: What Does a Quality Guy Really Think About Dating and Relationships?: Our Favorite Man Panelist Gets Honest

Do you need help dating and understanding men…

Do you constantly over analyze everything?

Do guys sometimes seem really great when you first meet them…

then turn into someone completely different when you start dating them?

If you want inside secrets on what real quality men do, think and feel…

I have some really GOOD NEWS

Marni welcomes Chris G. to the podcast to walk women through what a man is thinking when he is looking for more than a hookup. Chris helped build the awesome manimal profile and is an active member of the man panel.

Don’t You Forget About Me: Why Men Orbit [4:54]

Orbiting is when a guy stops calling and texting but still likes your social media posts and pics. So, why would a guy do this? It can be frustrating, especially if you liked him.

Chris says men like to keep women on tap until another option becomes available. If a woman has made her intentions clear and the guy doesn’t share her feelings, if she doesn’t BLOCK him, she is just contributing to the behavior. Chris believes that women are masters at keeping men available to them and maybe women want men to stalk them.

If a woman truly wants to move on she:

1. Removes the things that may trigger her past.

2. Remembers that guys don’t change even if they see how awesome you are.

3. Contemplates why she is keeping her options open?

If you want to move on make yourself un-orbital!

The Secret to Getting a Man’s Attention [12:45]

Even in beauty soaked Los Angeles, Chris and his friends put less value on physical attractiveness when using Bumble or Tinder. He says “beauty always wears off.” He loves intelligent conversations and laughing with the right girl, the right combination is important.

But, THE best and most empowering way to meet a woman, for a man, is for him to go up to her ‘live’ and start a conversation.

That’s why Marni and team teach the special secret sauce to women which helps them to really stand out online. They create photos that are evocative of who the woman really is.

Chris’s advice —

  • Don’t be vanilla in the corral of online dating. Stand out.
  • Use your real life smile. No duck lips.
  • An authentic smile is sexier and more attractive to a man.
  • Be real, be you.

A man’s goal ultimate goal is to attain a sustainable relationship where the woman and man have integrity and shared common values.

Make Yourself Available for a Real Life Encounter with a Quality Man [23:41]

If a real-life connection is what a woman truly wants then why do women close themselves off? Sitting with resting bitchface, arms closed, acting uninterested are all ways to block communication attempts from a quality guy.

Chris wants to see a woman who isn’t fake or blocked off. It shouldn’t be a trial by fire for someone to approach you. No one wants to fight through the armor. He says women are about love. It’s their feminine energy that men will fight wars and build temples for. Because men need a woman’s love.

If you want to find the high-caliber man you desire, make an appointment with the Dating Den experts at

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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