Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.

Episode 30


Evan Marc Katz

The Stereotypes that are Alive and Well in Dating

Episode 30

The Stereotypes that are Alive and Well in Dating


Evan Marc Katz

Dating Den Episode 30 – With Evan Marc Katz: The Stereotypes that are Alive and Well in Dating

Have you ever had a fantastic date with an attractive, smart, together man, felt a special connection and said to yourself, “I haven’t felt this good about a man in forever…. maybe this is finally the guy.”

Then he mysteriously disappeared from your life… stopped calling, stopped texting, and stopped asking you out?

Leaving you asking yourself… “What did I do wrong?”

Are you ready to finally understand what men really want… what makes them pursue certain women passionately…

And avoid others like a visit to the dentist?

I am swooning in the dating den today ladies because I am talking to one of my favorite men on the planet!

Evan Marc Katz is an amazing dating coach who is going to tell us what a man’s agenda is on the first date and how you can get a second date if you want one.

Evan is a personal trainer for smart, strong and successful women like you. He is the author of four books, his latest, Believe in Love, has been mentioned in the New York Times and CNN. He has had over 10 million readers of his blog and over 1000 women have graduated from his video program, “Love U”.

How to Most Effectively and Efficiently Find a Quality Man [4:29 ]

Evan says there is only what works and what doesn’t. Women need to ask themselves if what they are doing on online dating sites is working for them. Most will say no, so Evan’s advice is to take online dating seriously and treat it as a science.

The basics of Evan’s 2/2/2 rule are to make a connection, move the conversation to personal email, schedule a phone call and then make a date. Women should be treating online communication like real life communication and make their emails entertaining conversation starters.

Don’t forget online dating is relationship building.

Setting Yourself Up for Failure [18:47]

Evan says people who plan on half-hour coffee dates are setting themselves up for failure. If you only want the date to last a half-hour, it’s already a failure. Evan’s preferred mindset is to believe in success. If you build up trust, rapport, excitement and anticipation through a few emails and phone calls, the only thing you need the date for is to check for chemistry.

How to Get a Second Date [20:27]

Evan says women often go into the first date looking for clues about what future she might have with him. But if women really want a second date, they should put aside their agenda to achieve their agenda. A guy’s objective on a first date is to get laid and to put on a show. If women tell him how great he and flirt with the promise of sex sometime in the future, she will get a second date.

Men are always in it to win it!

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Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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