Life Check Yourself 443 – The 5 Signs Your Relationship is Over with Dr. Heidi Brocke
Marni welcomes Dr.Heidi Brocke to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into what being toxic actually means. It’s a buzz word that gets thrown around a lot but does anyone really know how to detect a toxic person? Heidi is a toxic relationship awareness and healing specialist. With a podcast that has over 1 million downloads, Heidi has worked with hundreds of people to help them get out of and heal from toxic relationships.
* What does toxic actually mean?
* How to decode unhealthy dynamics
* How to clean up your social circle
Narcissistic Much? [09:27]
We’ve gotten used to throwing around certain labels and terms without ever actually understanding what they mean. And that includes the word toxic and narcissistic. However, they’re different. Many actually have narcissistic personality disorders because of something in their upbringing or something in their lives that has left them with that insecurity. Knowing the distinction between a disorder and an adjective is imperative.
I chose the word toxic because it’s not a diagnosis. Toxic is an adjective. .
You Define What’s Healthy for You [14:19]
Instead of seeking validation for your decisions when it comes to who to include or exclude in your life by labeling them toxic, embrace that you have the agency to curate your own social circles. You decide who stays and who leaves. You don’t need to make excuses or throw around labels.
We’re all just trying to make sure that there’s something wrong with that person so that we can be validated in changing the relationship.
Your Normal Isn’t Everyone’s Normal [21:57]
Not everyone sees the world the same way. Sometimes when someone does something that doesn’t align with you, you’ll describe it as not being normal. It’s because that person isn’t acting like you would and as such it is out of the norm for you.
In reality, we are looking at them through our emotionally wired eyes.
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