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Amy Ogden

Dating Den Episode 185 - With Amy Ogden: Take Action and Make the Moves to Find Your Quality Guy


Dating Den Episode 185 - With Amy Ogden: Take Action and Make the Moves to Find Your Quality Guy


Amy Ogden

Dating Den Episode 185 – With Amy Ogden: Take Action and Make the Moves to Find Your Quality Guy

In this episode of the Dating Den, Marni speaks with Speaker, Coach, and Branding Expert, Amy Ogden about genuine ways to make human connections during and beyond the COVID pandemic. Amy is the brainchild behind ‘How to Catch a Human in the Wild’ and the ‘Sufficiency is Sexy’ TedX Talk.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Tips to expand your human network
  • Natural, organic, genuine ways to bring people into your life
  • Why it’s important to put down your phone
  • How to strengthen your human connection muscle
  • Living life with ‘New Girl’ energy

Catching a Human In the Wild [6:18]

Amy believes in making simple 30-second connections with other humans as she traverses NYC. She makes a commitment for the day to not use her phone during her idle times and instead focuses on the humans around her. Her intention is to make someone else’s day just a little bit better.

During this pandemic, people are realizing just how alone they really are. They are begging for connection right now. She says if you are at home behind a screen, love on people through social media. If you get out of the house, love on people with a compliment.

The key to making human contact is compliments and questions. It gives you something to talk about.

Catching human connection is a social muscle you develop over time. Be fearless with love and be fearless with kindness.

Use ‘New Girl’ Energy to Make Contact and Stay in Touch [13:24]

As a woman, it is impossible for you to be creepy, so be the hero and start a conversation. Get rid of the boundaries and barriers you’ve been creating for years. Use exploratory energy to make the human connections you so greatly deserve. What if your new friend has a brother or co-worker who would be perfect for you?

Remember, it’s about collecting data to rule a person in, not rule them out. It’s so easy to get stuck in our self-imposed status quo.

Amy’s Tips for Making Connections:

  1. Talk to people who are paid to be nice to you.
  2. Talk to the people you are comfortable talking with such as kids, other women, or the elderly.
  3. Don’t be afraid to bait people. Give people reasons to talk to you like wearing a shirt with a team logo on it.

Sufficiency is Sexy [28:27]

In Amy’s TedX Talk, Sufficiency is Sexy: The Rest is House Money, she describes how fun life can be when you take chances. Her advice is to quit holding on to what you think is going to make you happy. When you look back, you will realize that you set a bunch of goals, achieved the goals, and then set new ones. When do you take the time to celebrate?

Imagine sitting with your younger self and telling them how great their life turns out. Take a moment to savor how awesome you have become.

You are a human being living a human experience. Don’t live your life looking at screens and ignoring the beautiful souls around you.

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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