Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.

Episode 2


Adam Gilad

How To Write An Online Profile That Attracts A Quality Man

Episode 2

How To Write An Online Profile That Attracts A Quality Man


Adam Gilad

Dating Den Episode 2 – With Adam Gilad: How To Write An Online Profile That Attracts A Quality Man

Are you struggling with online dating…

So many women do. It can feel like a fool’s paradise…

Like there are all these handsome, smart, successful, evolved, great men out there…

But you can’t have any of them.

For some reason, those aren’t the guys that approach you online. It’s like there’s a secret password (that some women seem to know) – but someone forgot to tell you.

Do you want to know how to attract the right guy online…

You know, that guy that will give you devotion, intimacy and passion for the long-term… AND oh yeah, he wants to commit to you?

My guest today is Adam Gilad. He is an expert in the field of attraction, dating and relationships. He is here to help you turbo charge your journey to find love, online. He shares the exact steps you need to take to make an amazing profile to attract the man you want in your life.

Tell Me About It Stud — Adam Shares Tips on How to Inspire Devotion in a Man [4:17]

Adam says the word ‘commit’ doesn’t feel very good to a man. Men would rather devote themselves to something or someone. Devotion calls out a man’s inner hero. When a man is inspired by a woman he doesn’t treat her like a convenience.

Ask yourself do I feel honored or do I feel like a convenience?

*Reward – Adam calls men Pavlov’s gender – If women ring a bell, men salivate. If women reward men for a particular behavior, they continue doing that behavior. Most men need training and intimacy.

Acknowledge and Reward! Words are Not Enough

Rewards should be physical in nature. Try:

  • Lingerie at the door.
  • Sex comes later.
  • A little quid pro quo can work wonders.

Online Dating — Set the Bar for What You Really Want [10:58]

Adam says men don’t care about you online. All they need to know is:

  • You are a woman of value.
  • They have a chance with you.
  • You will be a victory in their lives.

A woman’s online profile should start with a call out to the character of the man they want, and be done with positivity and a promise of reward. Start with I love men who….

A man wants to win a prize, so market yourself. Here is a sample profile starter you can use.

“I am looking for you if, you are xxx (ask for a man of character) and nothing is sexier than that to me (reward).”

If you are afraid you will sound too sexy, flirtatious and playful. Remember, you are saying you are sexy, confident, and playful BUT only for a man of high character.

Make sure you put out there that:

  • You are a prize catch.
  • You admire and respect a man of a certain character.
  • What a big reward he will get if he is that man of character.

What Should My Profile Picture Look Like? [23:52]

Men want a prize on their arms. Men judge each other by the woman they have on their arms. It’s real! When they see your profile picture they need to think ‘this woman could bring a light into my life’.

The best profile pics are taken by a professional photographer. You need at least three photos in your profile. They are:

  • One picture where you look ravishing.
  • One picture that shows your body.
  • One picture of you having fun and smiling directly at the camera.

The Digital Handkerchief — Over 40’s, Read This! [30:56]

The digital hanky is letting a man know you are interested without emasculating him. If you really want to meet somebody, you don’t have to wait for them to write you. Write him first and tell him about his character, not his picture. Men love when a woman loves who he is, what his purpose is. Start with something like…My sense is that you seem like a high-quality man. If you wrote me, I would be interested in talking to you…

A Quote for Adam [38:46]

“I was never really insane except upon occasion when my heart was touched.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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