Dating Den Episode 262 – How to Handle Yourself When You Know He Is Dating Multiple People With Chris Gillis
Have you ever had an AMAZING first date, with crazy chemistry, connection and easy flowing conversation?
Time flew by. It felt like neither of you wanted it to end. And it ended with a long passionate kiss that could have easily gone further, but didn’t.
Then you never heard from him again?
Do you tend to lead with sex when you meet a guy you like?
Do you try to hold a man’s interest that way, because you believe that guys are all about sex?
Have you ever thought that sleeping with a guy is a good way to get him to see you as girlfriend material?
These are just a couple of the red-hot topics you’ll get Marni’s best tips and strategies on in this week’s Dating Den podcast!
Marni and Chris hunker down in the Den to talk about the dating lessons learned from following the recent Bachelor episode. There were some real no-nos this week and some great examples of the issues many of us have when dating.
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- Why fake it ‘til you make it doesn’t work in dating
- Become rejection-proof
- Don’t take things personally
- When women lead with sex
- Dating multiple people
Confidence or Overcompensation? [2:19]
Demi led with sex, overtly kissing Brendan and making it well known she was interested in him physically.
Marni says that yes, men want to have sex with you considering they think about sex every seven seconds. But when you lead with sex what vibe are you giving off?
Become Rejection-Proof [20:03]
If you have a great date with a guy, give things a chance to unfold. If you don’t hear from a guy for a couple of days there are some dignified things you can do to reach out, but remember it was just one date.
Rejection is not personal. It is just that you and the other person are not a match.
Ladies, it is fine to date more than one person at once. There is no shame in it. If a guy asks if you are dating other people, respond with kindness and honesty.
The truth is, you can not screw up a new relationship with the right guy.