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Dating Den Episode 273 - How to Finally Start Feeling Confident, Secure and Enough So Men See You as a Woman of Value


Dating Den Episode 273 - How to Finally Start Feeling Confident, Secure and Enough So Men See You as a Woman of Value



Dating Den Episode 272 – With Janice: How to Finally Start Feeling Confident, Secure and Enough So Men See You as a Woman of Value

As part of Marni’s contribution to the How to Actually Feel Worthy of Love Podcast Tour curated by Veronica Grant, client Janice joins the show to describe the love connection she made after doing the work.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • How to feel worthy of love
  • Believing you are enough
  • Why you are attracting the wrong guy
  • Dating differently

Accepting Your Worthiness [3:28]

Before becoming a dating with dignity client, Janice was considering Where she was in her life. She was 56, single, not dating, and craving partnership. One morning Marni’s email appeared in her inbox. That is when Janice realized that if she wanted to live her life fully now was the time to make a self-honoring choice.

It takes courage to admit that getting into partnership is something you care about and are ready to work on.

Janice knew she needed support and guidance. She had expanded her awareness but she was self-sabotaging by using her good life and clever stories to keep her out of a relationship. She thought the man for her had to be a certain way and had to offer her certain things. She was being picky and avoided dating. When she did date, she put demands and expectations on the other person based on her fears.

Janice had a base fear that she would never get what she wanted. She injected that fear into her relationships. When she released the fear and her limiting beliefs.

Attracting the Wrong Guy [12:59]

Janice had a deep-seated belief that she wasn’t worthy of love. She had wounds from the past that were seeping out in her life making her feel unworthy of love.

Marni hears it all the time from women. Intellectually, they know they are worthy but their brains are wired to keep them safe. The brain needs prodding to look at a situation through a different lens.

Janice says when she decided to work with Marni she committed to do the work at 100%. She vowed to be honest, vulnerable, and open to the process. She said the coaches at Dating with Dignity heard what she was saying, even though she couldn’t completely hear herself. It cracked her open. She created a new foundation.

Janice’s current relationship is the first relationship she walked into authentically.

Doing Dating Differently [17:13]

Creating non-negotiables was powerful for Janice. She came from a solid foundation of who she is and she finally thought about what would be good for her in a relationship.

When you do the work you can trust the process, Janice says. You start to date differently by integrating things into your life and relationship instead of pushing them and judging the other person if everything is not perfect. She realized she was deserving of an epic love.

We are not looking for perfection, we are looking for the ability to grow with a partner.

One core limiting belief that Marni hears over and over from her clients is that other women are lucky because they found the right guy, but the truth is that once you are into your worthiness it is about making different choices that are in alignment with who you really are.

Do the work and the right guy just might find you.

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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