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Michael O'Neal

Dating Den Episode 168 - With Michael the Man Panelist: A Man's View on Sex, Kissing, Ghosting, and Profile Turnoffs


Dating Den Episode 168 - With Michael the Man Panelist: A Man's View on Sex, Kissing, Ghosting, and Profile Turnoffs


Michael O'Neal

Dating Den Episode 168 – With Michael the Man Panelist: A Man's View on Sex, Kissing, Ghosting, and Profile Turnoffs

Marni welcomes a fellow Podcast Host and Man Panelist, Michael O’Neal into the Dating Den. Mike is a single man who in addition to his entrepreneur podcast also hosts his YouTube channel, Rennch where he shares tips for restoring vintage Porsches. During this episode, he shares some Q&A from the most recent Man Panel discussion, a real-life example of when a woman ghosted him, and how some men just want a pizza girlfriend.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • How to improve your online dating profile
  • How to get what you want from a man in bed
  • Why ghosting is immature
  • Why a bad kisser may not be worth the trouble

Dating for Successful Women & Online Profile Turnoffs [2:08]

For a woman who makes critical decisions all day at work turning down her masculine energy can be trying especially when dating. Mike observes that it must be hard for women to switch between the two energies. “When you become a successful, badass woman you get in your masculine and it’s hard to get back into the feminine. If you are in 65% masculine energy then a guy can only be in 35% of his masculine. You may end up with a guy you are not attracted to.” Mike says.

The masculine energy can also bleed into a woman’s online dating profile. Mike says that when a woman’s profile starts with the woman saying ‘just swipe past me if you ____ ‘ turns him off. He says it’s proof that the woman is somehow damaged. He automatically swipes to the next person.

Sexually Speaking at the ManPanel Event [14:03]

When it comes to sex, Mike says that women should not feel weird about giving a man directions. If something is working or not working that is something men want to know. Men are normally more than willing to do whatever it takes, even if it hurts, to make sure a woman is satisfied.

But, it is hard to teach passion and sensuality. Kissing is the hardest physical, sexual act to address with someone else. If a guy is a bad kisser and there is nothing else that really hooks you then say goodbye. But, if you think there might be a deeper connection, try giving him a helpful hint or try moving your head into a different position.

We, men, are like your favorite labrador retriever. We’ll do whatever you tell us to.

You, Will, Know When a Guy is into You [23:33]

Times have changed, Mike says men are looking for someone to show if they are interested. After the first date, if a guy is into you he will be sending you a message. And, if he asks you for a second date he has probably already considered if you could be his forever girl.

Mike shares a story of how he pursued a girl he met. He liked the girl but she kept putting him off. She responded to him several times but always with confusing messages. Then she just ghosted him.

Marni believes that if you are getting ghosted you should consider it a blessing because now you know what type of person you would have been dating. You are more than likely dating the wrong type of people.

If you are not interested in a person don’t ghost them. Just tell them. It doesn’t have to be awkward.

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