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Marni Battista

Dating Den Episode 212 - With Marni Battista: The Five-Step Game Plan My Clients Are Using During COVID-19 to Find Their Ideal Man and Create the Deeply Fulfilling Intimate Relationship They Deserve Without Risking Their Health or Wasting Their Time


Dating Den Episode 212 - With Marni Battista: The Five-Step Game Plan My Clients Are Using During COVID-19 to Find Their Ideal Man and Create the Deeply Fulfilling Intimate Relationship They Deserve Without Risking Their Health or Wasting Their Time


Marni Battista

Dating Den Episode 212 – With Marni Battista: The Five-Step Game Plan My Clients Are Using During COVID-19 to Find Their Ideal Man and Create the Deeply Fulfilling Intimate Relationship They Deserve Without Risking Their Health or Wasting Their Time

Would you like to attract a high-quality, commitment-ready man without waiting until the pandemic is over? Of course, you do! Marni Battista is ready to tell you how to naturally tap into your inner authentic badass and start living the life you want. If you are a successful, single woman who has her life together and, during this experience of social distancing, you realize that finding someone special to have a connection with is not a luxury but a must for your emotional well-being, then this episode is for you. You can have something to be excited about, right now.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Find your perfect guy while following pandemic guidelines
  • How to answer the question “Why am I still single?”
  • Why self-esteem is not the answer
  • The #1 blindspot of smart women

Stop Living the Life You Get and Start Living the Life You Want [13:16]

Are you living the life you are truly meant to live? If not, and you are just living the cards dealt to you, you deserve a life that is truly in alignment with who you are. You deserve to be living the quality of life that is meant for you.

During this pandemic, as we are forced to slow down in our personal life with our distractions stripped away, it becomes clear what brings us meaning, happiness, and joy and what might be missing from our lives.

Two ways women settle for the life they get:

  1. Not having a man in their life — They believe they don’t need a man to be happy.
  2. Having the wrong guy in their life — A man gives only crumbs or won’t commit.

Research shows people who are in loving intimate relationships have healthier and happier lives with less stress.

Are you settling for the life you get instead of the life you want because somewhere deep down you believe you can not have it all? Where does the belief come from?

Tame the Gremlin [18:54]

You know that little voice in your head that tells you what you can and can’t have? That is the gremlin. Your gremlin may tell you that it is better to be safe than deal with the hassle of being in a relationship. It may tell you to be grateful for what you do have instead of wanting more. Your gremlin preys on self-doubt and fear. It keeps you stuck in negativity. It steals your joy.

If you have a wall up around your heart and have shut down, it is time to tame the gremlin! It’s the secret to getting the life you really want and attracting the man you deserve.

Lose the 10% [25:17]

Consider all the ways you have tried to find your soulmate in the past. How close have those things brought you to meet your perfect man? Are you still just crossing your fingers hoping a high-quality guy finds you?

You need to lose the 10%. What is the 10%? The small things you do or believe that cause you to sabotage every relationship you have.

Discover what your 10% is by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do you leak masculine energy?
  • Is your love shield up?
  • Do you give off pawn energy?

Quality men perceive women who have ‘pawn’ energy as needy and insecure or they are high-maintenance.

Discover the 10% that is holding you back by:

  • Reveal — Uncover your unique 10%
  • Release — An integrated approach to deprogram the 10%
  • Rejuvenate — Adopt a strategy that makes you irresistible

Leverage Your Time During Corona [39:42]

Do not sit and suffer through wasted time during this pandemic. Use this time as an opportunity to get out of fear and loneliness and find a man who is perfect for you. Leverage this time to transform your life.

Believe it or not, social distancing has made it easy to find a quality, committed guy. The men who are online dating right now are looking for the real deal. Meaning those who were in it for hookups, or something casual have opted out. And, with physical distancing, you will not be tempted to go too fast if there was strong physical chemistry with a guy.

70% of users on one of the top dating sites are ready and open for digital dating and in-house video dates.

Invest in Mentoring [46:19]

You need more than advice. If you could have done it on your own, you would be with a high-quality guy already. In every part of your life, you figure things out, you do what needs to be done and you make your wants a reality.

Do not be embarrassed or ashamed that you need help in this part of your life. Do not think getting help is a sign of weakness. It is not.

It’s OK to have someone hold your hand through this process and keep you accountable. Get support from a mentor.

If you are finally done with being alone, one of the most self-honoring things you can do during the pandemic is to claim out loud that being in an intimate relationship is what you want.

If you are serious about getting the life you desire and transforming your love life is a priority for you, book a one-hour session with my team at Choose an appointment time and someone from my team will call you to start transforming your life.

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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